Batman Anthology Wiki

Williams next to an unidentified individual in the Batsuit.

William Todd-Jones was the primary "Batsuit wrangler" on the first Batman movie. On the subsequent sequels Day Murch became the official Batsuit wrangler.


"I've worked on numerous productions since Labyrinth, on film sets in London, L.A., Berlin, Prague, and other places. Not all of those films have been great, mind you, but I try to choose projects that will open people's horizons. That said, some of the things I've worked on achieve this more than others! For example I worked on the first Batman movie, Judge Dredd, and Lost in Space, and if I'm honest, it was merely for the commerce. But that said, Tim Burton's Batman, which I was on board for from the early stages, originally set out to ask some interesting questions. Why would a man don a rubber suit and go around punching people? Why was he created? Why was the Joker created? Why did they choose separate paths from the same anomaly? I was very attracted to Burton's concepts — but then the producers decided to turn the film into a big punch-up. When I saw the final film, it didn't seem to be what we had shot. And yet it was commercially successful."[1]



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